In Akron, Knight invests in public space and public life to attract and engage people, with a focus on building vibrancy in downtown Akron and surrounding neighborhoods. We believe that great public spaces help connect people to place, build a sense of shared community, and provide the quality of life incentives that draw in newcomers and encourage residents to stay.
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Knight’s Akron Strategy
In 2015, Akron was selected as one of five cities to participate in the national Reimagining the Civic Commons initiative, a partnership of funders, citizens and city government. The goal is to reinvent public spaces such as parks, trails and recreation areas to bring together people from all backgrounds, develop new local leaders who can shape the city, and foster a more active, engaged community.
In addition to the Civic Commons initiative, Knight’s Akron efforts focus on:
- Revitalizing downtown and Akron’s inner neighborhoods so that they can continue to attract residents;
- Strengthening residents’ attachment to the city and creating economic opportunities through technology and the arts;
- Empowering local leaders, new and established, so that they can help improve neighborhood life and bring diverse people together to shape the city’s future.
If you’re interested in Knight Foundation’s Arts program in Akron, read more here.
Knight Akron office:
277 East Mill St.
Akron, OH 44308
Akron Community Advisory Committee members:
Rep. Tavia Baxter-Galonski, Ohio House of Representatives; Robert Cooper, CBRE; Marie Covington, Community Volunteer; Cynthia Knight, Community Volunteer; Kirsten Lino, Huntington Bank; Blake Squires, DRIP
Akron Program Staff
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